The Los Angeles Review of Books launched its inaugural print edition
- Feature essays by Maria Bustillos, Rachel Kaadzi Ghansah, Ariana Kelly, Jacob Mikanowksi, Ander Monson, Daniel Olivas, Marjorie Perloff, and Laurie Pepper.
- Original poetry by Douglas Kearney, Maurice Manning, Hoa Nguyen, and Müesser Yeniay.
- Short takes by Tom Bissell, Alex Espinoza, Rigoberto González, and Chris Kraus.
- Including an Artist Portfolio and profile of Barbara T. Smith.
Papyralysis by Jacob Mikanowksi
The Cult of Freedom by Chris Kraus
Gettin’ Together: Conversations with Art Pepper by Laurie Pepper
May Aunt Fanny by Maurice Manning
American Renaissance by Ander Monson
Two Questions for Rudolf Anaya by Daniel Olivas
Coloring Outside the Lines by Maria Bustillos
The Five Stages of Art by Tom Bissell
De Origine Actibusque Qequationis by Rachel Kaadzi Ghansah
Father-To-Be Takes Himself for a Walk by Douglas Kearney
Artist Profile: Barbara T. Smith
The Night Stalker by Alex Espinoza
To the Lighthouse by Ariana Kelley
O Tree (Borassus) by Hoa Nguyen
Note to Self: On Claes Oldenburg by Alex Kitnick
A Man Who Has Come Through: On D.H. Lawrence
A Bird Nest in Gezi Park by Müesser Yeniay
Unspoiled Monster: On Truman Capote by Robert Pranzatelli
Rest in Peace: World War I and Living Memory by Eliah Bures
Death by Rigoberto González
Flatland: On Javier Marías by Ben Mauk